Why Us For Your Homeschool
Homeschool At NFC Academy

Kindergarten-4th Grade
You’ll have colorful materials designed to enhance student learning. Follow the specially created NFC Academy lesson planner that allows you to focus on your child’s learning. Programs are fully accredited with an easy-to-use online gradebook that automatically does all the averaging.

​If you have never tried learning online, our student’s success in our online program makes us confident to extend to you our 14 school-day risk free money back guarantee. If after fourteen school days it is not working for your family just notify us in writing and there will be no withdrawal fee and we will refund any tuition paid. Every new family to NFC Academy gets this money back guarantee in the online program.

Biblical World View
​Our worldview at NFC Academy is from a biblical worldview or Christian worldview. While seminary courses provide very deep meanings of what makes up a biblical worldview, for our purposes, we will define it simply as how we look to the Bible for our beliefs and how we should operate.
That means our curriculum will be written from that view – you could see that as we believe that God exists and He is our Creator, our teachers will hold that view both in their teaching and in their personal lives, and all that we do at NFC Academy will seek to have such a view to how we operate.
K-12 Accredited & NCAA Approved

Live Graduation Services
At NFC Academy, students can start in kindergarten and go all the way through to graduation. Of course, we are excited to welcome students in any grade at NFC Academy. You have highly qualified teachers and we are fully accredited by not one but two of the gold standards in education and approved by the NCAA.