Kindergarten – 2nd Grade Book Program
Accredited Kindergarten-2nd Grade Book Program
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Online Video with Books
- Biblical Worldview Curriculum
- Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades
- Start When You Are Ready
- Flexibility to Your Home Schedule
- Streaming Video Lessons
- Critical Thinking Skills That Are Essential to 21st Century Learning.
- Active Learning in an Engaging Learning Experience that Invites Students to Connect with Approprite Content and Apply Knowledge and Skills.
- Kindergarten Focus on Language Arts including Reading, Listening, Speaking, and more.
- Kindergarten Math Developing Number Sense to Learn About Numbers, Time, Money and Fractions.
- Kindergarten Bible Learning The Story of His Word.
- Grades One and Two with the core curriculum Bible Truths, Heritage Studies for History, Math, English, Reading, Handwriting Spelling, and Science.
- Experienced Teachers Providing a Thorough Education.
- Hands-on Activities With Engaging, Age-Appropriate Video Segments.
- Both Digital and Printed Resources to Enhance and Encourage student learning.
- Textbooks and E-Texts for Your Mobility.
- Dashboard Access for Streaming and Your Online Gradebook.
Kindergarten-2nd Grade
Homeschool Print Book Program
- Biblical Worldview Curriculum
- Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades
- Start When You Are Ready
- Flexibility to Your Home Schedule
- Complete Teacher Guides for Each Course.
- Rigorous Mastery Based Learning.
- Kindergarten Focus on Language Arts Inculding Reading, Writing and Reading.
- Kindergarten Math Focus on Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Time and Figures.
- Focus on Language Arts including Reading, Listening, Speaking and Vocabulary and Grammar.
- Math Skills Will Be Developed Through Question Formats, Multiple Exercise Techniques, and Fun Learning Games.
- The Math Curriculum Will Focus on the Major Themes of Number Skills, Geometry, Algebra, Data Analysis, and Probability.
- Science Focuses on the Development of Observational Skills in the Physical Universe God Created.
- Real Time Online Gradebook To Enter Grades and Know Updated Averages.
- Ten Units for Each Course in First and Second grade.
- The NFC Academy Daily Lesson Planner Is Provided for Each Course, So No Guessing How Much To Complete Each Day To Finish Your Year.
- Includes the NFC Academy Daily Lesson Planner for Each Course So You Know What To Do Each Day.
You Make Your Choice for Homeschool
Video Streaming Daily Lessons
Daily video lessons are delivered to your child by expert teachers for all courses allowing you to spend time on focusing on support as a learning coach in your homeschool program. Teacher Textbook guides and student texts will provide you all you need to provide support for completion of each lesson.
- Courses teach biblcial worldview foundations.
- Lessons encourage critical thinking skills.
- Activities and lessons support multisensory learning.
- Courses are structured on educational best practices.
- Online gradebooks for grading.
Print-Based Book Program
LIFEPAC is a Christian Homeschool curriculum in a full-color worktext based upon the principle of mastery learning, where the students master each concept as they move from unit to unit. You will find this curriculum, which was designed by a team of accomplished educators, easy to teach. LIFEPAC at NFC Academy for 1st and 2nd grade includes Bible, History & Geography, Language Arts, Math, and Science. The kindergarten program includes the LifePac language arts series with phonics, reading, writing, and math with health and the Bible.
The NFC Academy Daily Lesson Planner comes with each LIFEPAC course and provides the parents with the areas to cover each of their school days so they are assured of finishing their year on time. The parent just has to focus on teaching and leave the planning to the Daily Lesson Planner.
A Biblical Worldview
Our worldview at NFC Academy is from a biblical worldview or Christian worldview. While seminary courses provide very deep meanings of what makes up a biblical worldview, for our purposes, we will define it simply as we look to the Bible for our beliefs and how we should operate.
That means our curriculum will be written from that view – you could see that as we believe that God exists and He is our Creator, our teachers will hold that view both in their teaching and in their personal lives, and all that we do at NFC Academy will seek to have such a view to how we operate.
Our worldview reminds us of the traditional family values that have been a part of our nation’s history in education and just about all aspects of life from its founding. To learn more about our worldview visit Our Worldview web page.
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Fully Accredited & NCAA Approved High School Courses

Keys to Your Learning Program | Maximum Academic Success |
Have a Designated Learning Space | When space permits, make a place in the home that is for school. Decorate as you can to be grade and age appropriate. |
Create a Flexible Schedule for School Time | You have much flexibility in your daily learning. It is best to have a daily schedule and follow as best as you can. Remember school time needs to be considered important time. |
Follow Your NFC Academy Daily Lesson Planner | Let your NFC Academy Daily Lesson Planner be your planning tool that keeps you on track. When you follow it in your courses you know you will finish on time and you can devote your time to teaching your child. |
Enter Your Grades Weekly | Use your online gradebook each week to enter your grades. Once you enter the grades, the gradebook does all the averaging. |
Special Note: Entering grades regularly allows us to confirm the student is in continuous learning that will meet a states compulsory attendance requirements.