Superior Academics
Academic Excellence at NFC Academy K-12
Having their children in a Superior Academic program is every parent’s goal! That is the goal of NFC Academy in our Online Program grades 3-12 and our Book Program K-4. When you enroll your child at NFC Academy you will receive an Individual Enrollment plan for all students Kindergarten through eighth grade and a Path to Graduation for all students in high school grades ninth through the twelfth.

K-12 Accredited & NCAA Approved High School

A Biblical Worldview Program
NFC Academy’s Worldview
Whether conscious or subconscious, every person has some type of worldview. A personal worldview is a combination of all you believe to be true, and what you believe becomes the driving force behind every emotion, decision and action.
Our worldview at NFC Academy is from a biblical worldview or Christian worldview. While seminary courses provide very deep meanings of what makes up a biblical worldview, for our purposes, we will define it simply as we look to the Bible for our beliefs and how we should operate.
That means our curriculum will be written from that view – you could see that as we believe that God exists and He is our Creator, our teachers will hold that view both in their teaching and in their personal lives, and all that we do at NFC Academy will seek to have such a view to how we operate.