NFC Academy Graduation Services
NFC Academy’s Live Homeschool Graduation
Two Homeschool Graduation Options
High school graduation is one of those experiences that marks a milestone that will be remembered well beyond the date of the graduation. While each person will have special days that will bring memories for years, most all of us will remember the step of graduating high school. Let’s make it a special day to remember for your homeschool graduate!
The option of a live graduation service is available to our homeschool graduates at NFC Academy. Every graduate at NFC Academy receives their own graduation regalia and of course their graduation diploma. Each graduate has the option to join the NFC Academy family for our live graduation services on our campus at the end of May each year. While our graduates will receive their Graduation Agreements to complete well before the graduation date, you can check with our High School office to find out more about participating with us on our campus in graduation services for your homeschool graduate. Students who are unable to travel to our live graduation services still receive their own complete graduation regalia and their diploma when all requirements for graduation have been completed. You can still host your local ceremony with special guests to honor your graduate and take plenty of pictures in their cap and gown for memories.