Elementary 3-5 Online
Elementary 3-5 Online Courses
Fully Accredited Programs Grades K-12Th Grade
Everything you need for reviewing courses for students in NFC Academy’s 3rd-5th Online program. Scroll down to find your grade and click on the course for more details. Most students will take five (5) subjects in elementary school which will include – Bible, history, language arts, math and science.
For the Online Program (Grades 3-12) highly qualified NFC Academy teachers are available as teachers for all grades. Parents do have the option of being the primary teacher in all online grades through high school. We will train you in our online program using videos especially prepared for you. Parents will be assigned a Resource Teacher from our Academy teachers who will be available to answer questions during your school year as they monitor the work supporting you.
Curriculum for NFC Academy accredited homeschool
*Online – Ignitia
*Online – Edgenuity high school honor courses with additional cost per course

Welcome to the world of online digital education at NFC Academy. Our fully accredited online program for third grade through high school is just a touch away from your device and the Internet. Everything for school is there for you 24/7 and goes where you go.
Ignitia lessons include more than 50,000 multimedia elements like interactive games, audio and video clips, external web links, and off-computer assignments. Ignitia’ s inviting student experience features easy-to-use navigation, handy notes tools, inventive day planning functions and enhanced flexibility to suit any student’s learning style.
Courses For Online Grades 3-5
Third Grade Online | Curriculum | Type |
Bible | Ignitia | Online |
History & Geography | Ignitia | Online |
Language Arts/English | Ignitia | Online |
Math 300 | Ignitia | Online |
Science | Ignitia | Online |
Click on the course name for more information on the course.
Forth Grade Online | Curriculum | Type |
Bible | Ignitia | Online |
History & Geography | Ignitia | Online |
Language Arts/English | Ignitia | Online |
Math 400 | Ignitia | Online |
Science | Ignitia | Online |
Click on the course name for more information on the course.
Fifth Grade Online | Curriculum | Type |
Bible | Ignitia | Online |
History & Geography | Ignitia | Online |
Language Arts/English | Ignitia | Online |
Math 500 | Ignitia | Online |
Science | Ignitia | Online |
Health Quest | Ignitia | Online |