When searching for the best accredited online home school it is important to know what you need from the program so you can verify that they have those services as part of their options. There are an increasing number of families who choose to homeschool as the primary form of education, but there are others who need it as s supplement and not the school of record. To take advantage of this, you need to find the best program overall and then see what is required for part-time enrollment. It is typically less documentation than a full-time student and less expensive taking fewer courses, and available for specific grades (usually 3rd and above or whenever they allow online enrollment instead of print).

There are several reasons that part-time enrollment in a homeschool program may be needed including obtaining necessary credits to graduate for high school students who have missed or possibly failed former classes at their traditional school. The advantage of this method is being able to commit to their school of record’s schedule of classes during the day and then the online class(es) in the evening. If this is the purpose, then parents need to check that the credits from the best accredited online home school can be transferred and accepted by the student’s school holding their transcripts.
Life events such as illness and relocation can affect a normal school schedule in a negative way. Instead of going to the classroom over the summer or winter breaks, the part-time homeschool program can help students catch up with missing requirements and prepare them for the next year so they align with the rest of their classmates and not behind. A third advantage is to help students who struggle with specific core subjects and do not want to enroll in tutoring sessions where their peers can see them and possibly add pressure and potential embarrassing situations. The goal of academic success is for students to learn and understand the material and be able to apply this after graduation into their next track whether it is college or business. Enrolling as a part-time homeschool student allows the individual to study specific classes in the privacy of their own home where they can work through the course at their own pace and truly grasp the concepts. This is especially important between grades when information builds on itself from one year to the next and usually applies to the tougher courses like math and science.
Lastly, homeschoolers who start off as a part-time student may decide they prefer this method of education because they can go through the experience and compare it to a traditional environment. If there is the possibility of switching statuses, it is a good idea to enroll in a program that offers both tracks so students can transition easily within the same program and not have to transition to a brand-new curriculum and program. The ability to try homeschooling out on a part-time basis can also give parents and students more confidence in pursuing this path and gaining successful results.