If you are looking to have a ‘light’ academic year as a senior, you need to start planning your courses and electives in the 9th grade and work with the guidance counselor on a path to graduation. Some teenagers know exactly what they want to do when they graduate and can choose specific electives to help build a strong foundation of knowledge towards that goal. However, even if you are still unsure of the future path, there are plenty of elective courses to choose from that are generic and applicable to a wide range of fields. The key is to keep track of credit hours earned each year and complete the required number of classes in each subject.

As a student enrolled in the best accredited online high school there are multiple resources available to help teens and parents understand the process and set the students up for success. For those looking to go to college, the SAT/ACT tests are critical and should be taken as early as 10th grade to develop a baseline score. The homeschool program office can provide testing center information, receive scores electronically and even offer prep courses for students who need formal study before re-taking the tests. The student should create a list of colleges they are interested in attending and research college application deadlines and requirements so the student can work with their online school office regarding documentation and scores that need to be submitted. By planning ahead, seniors have a greater chance of being accepted into a college program early, allowing the student tosimply finish out their school year and receive their final transcript and diploma.
The top online homeschool programs offer options for dual enrollment so seniors can graduate high school with earned college credits for the next phase of education. If the student desires to go a more technical skill route, the best accredited online high school can help via their offering of electives that are specific to individual fields. From engineering to technology, business to professional courses, the electives are designed to give students exposure to the different areas so they can decide which path they want to pursue. The homeschool program guidance counselor is an important resource for students as they prepare to complete a senior year that finalizes their work and achieves all of their goals.
Graduation is an important milestone and it allows seniors and their family members to celebrate together and publicly recognize the work that has been accomplished. Many online homeschool programs offer a way for enrolled seniors to gather and take part in a formal ceremony, or if not, then parents can work with local homeschool groups to create this special event. Check with the homeschool program office in advance and learn of the graduation celebration opportunities to give your senior fond memories of this accomplishment and to encourage them to move easily into the next step of their journey.