Ever since sports were developed and formalized they have been an outlet for pee-wees, little league students, high school teenagers and adults alike and they include sports like football, soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball and other options. School ball is one of the easiest and best ways to get a student involved in extra-curricular activities but how does this work if you home school the children?
Ever since sports were developed and formalized they have been an outlet for pee-wees, little league students, high school teenagers and adults alike and they include sports like football, soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball and other options. School ball is one of the easiest and best ways to get a student involved in extra-curricular activities but how does this work if you home school the children?

When homeschooling first began there was no option for connecting them with sports but as it has grown in popularity over the decades there are more and more options for home school students to get involved with their local school sports teams. Those who have aspirations beyond high school still have to meet the same academic standards as traditional students which means taking NCAA approved online courses as part of their program. What does this mean for parents? It means that when you are looking for a home school program to work with an important consideration is the approval of the NCAA of the school’s core courses.
Partnering with an accredited school is a great way to ensure that your child receives the education they need to succeed and graduate with scores that are acceptable to a college but the other benefits include being able to participate in local sports. When reviewing websites it is important to look at the platform from a comprehensive point of view and take into account the future. If your child is of elementary age then this program is going to be the main center of your focus but it is in everyone’s best interest to also look at their high school curriculum and standards along with NCAA approved online courses so that when your student wants to play there is no need to change programs. Schools have to go through a process in order to establish their eligibility for this status. Sports scholarships are highly sought after especially by individuals and families who see this as their best opportunity to get a higher education; however, if your courses don’t fall under this approval then you will not be considered as a candidate as a freshmen for athletic eligibility. This fact alone makes finding NCAA approved online courses one of the most critical features to find in a school as a home school family interested in a future in sports. The information is easy enough to confirm as it should be displayed on their website or you can speak with an Admissions specialist and ask the question directly to receive a clear answer on the school’s position.
Receiving quality education is about getting the best ‘book learning’ you can with the benefit of being homeschooled but it is also about taking into consideration all the factors that are involved with a traditional classroom experience. Sports is a big part of many communities and if you have a son or daughter that wants to get involved on a competitive level in their upper years then you need to be sure that your school offers NCAA approved online courses so they can have the future they want.