Every family chooses to homeschool for their own reason, whether health, job, location, dissatisfaction with the local school system, or because of their personal beliefs. This last reason, personal conviction, is becoming more prevalent because public schools have removed all talk and study of God except possibly in a religious studies course where He is listed as just another deity. Private religious schools are abundant, but they can also be expensive and require uniforms, travel, and include other fees that make them less affordable for families. In contrast, homeschooling, in any form, allows parents to decide how they want God incorporated into their child’s education and allows them to build a foundation for education and faith at the same time.

The top homeschooling programs provide mandatory Bible classes in every grade and are required credits for graduation. Families can review the curriculum on the website to get familiar with what is studied in each grade and how God is included throughout the program. In addition to specific Bible classes, the curriculum is designed to teach subjects from a Christian point of view while providing the alternate theories proposed by the world. It is important that parents ensure all views are taught so children have an informed education and can speak to theories when they are mentioned in conversation, but with a God-focused curriculum, creation is taught as truth instead of just a theory. This is done from the earliest grades so kids are brought up with a consistent foundation all the way through graduation.
In addition to the benefit of having a Christian education, students are given a solid foundation of truth and faith which can help them make the right choices and have a firm grasp on what they believe. Students are encouraged to ask questions and think for themselves so they can understand the material and adopt the faith teachings as their own which allows them to become balanced and stable adults. Kids that are taught many theories with no clear direction on what is right or wrong, often become confused, and are not sure what they believe. They cannot defend any position because they don’t have a solid faith foundation. Homeschool students in a Christian education are taught at an early age about theology and doctrine. These lessons build on each other as the students rise up through the grades and can learn deeper tenets and more complex concepts. Parents can also choose to complement the formal program with additional events and reading of their own to promote family discussions and interactions with others in church or social groups.
Finally, the top homeschool programs with a faith-centered focus teach strong moral conduct and encourage students to adopt and follow this as they mature and grow. Homeschool students typically develop strong skills in time management, self-discipline and self-study. But in a Christian homeshool program, they also learn the importance of integrity, honesty, ethics and spiritual beliefs. Upon graduation, these individuals have characteristics that colleges and employers want to have in their applicants as they become successful adults in both career and education.