One of the benefits of home education is the flexibility to learn at your own pace. Students are assigned online classes and can work through the lessons as slow or fast as they need to understand the concept and apply it in their given assignments. Every college class requires at least a couple hours of students studying on their own in addition to the class time so high schoolers taught at home already have the skills needed to handle this type of work load.

Whether you have homeschooled for several years or are just making the decision to transition your teen out of a traditional school format, it is important to research multiple accredited online high schools. First, accreditation is necessary to build a solid foundation for their future acceptance into a university or college and to be eligible for scholarships and other types of financial aid. Next, an accredited program increases the chance of being able to transfer credits if needed and have them accepted by a higher institution when they are reviewing transcripts for the admission process. Part of a parent’s job is to set their teen up for success and ensure they have available options to move forward in the future. As a result, they are able to become independent adults in college and then afterwards as they take a position within their chosen field.
Another reason to get involved with an accredited online high school is for the academics and instructor involvement. High school classes are challenging and full of complex concepts and students need to have access to quality teaching to help them understand the information and build on that each year until graduation. With an accredited school, parents can rely on the instructors to work with their teen long-distance in an organized and informative manner.
Homeschool students have more experience with online learning which gives them an edge in taking long-distance classes at the university level and have a better work-life balance as young adults. Instead of working a full-time job and going to campus classes, they can enroll online at any university and work at their own pace. The independence level increases and they can begin their career younger and more confident about the load they can manage on their own.
Our growing children are always looking for faster ways to become adults…some choices like home education process is one way that parents can give them the tools and skills they need to be successful as they advance toward being that adult. While still at home they are able to develop critical thinking, time management, self-discipline and other characteristics that will make them contributing adults in society. Quality education can be found through accredited online programs and parents should look for assistance from the admissions staff to help them through the process. Give your teen the opportunity to take hold of their own future and start making decisions early through homeschooling. As a parent you can be involved with weekly check-ins and updates and yet far enough removed that they feel they are in control and able to make decisions towards their future.