Old Testament Survey Online
Course Length:
2 semesters.
Course Credit:
NFC Academy Teacher Program – Accredited
NFC Academy Homeschool Plus – Accredited
NFC Academy Homeschool Basics – Not Accredited
NCAA Approved High School Grade:
Not a Core Course.
9-12 -
Cognia-SACS/CASI, Middle States, FACCS
This fully online Bible course examines the entire Old Testament of the Bible with emphasis on how God worked throughout history to prepare the people of the world for the coming of His Son. Students will travel through history as lessons take them from the creation of the world, through classical Bible stories with key figures, through the rebuilding of the temple and the walls of Jerusalem. Students enrolled in this Old Testament survey course will get a sweeping view of the books of the Bible while they discover classic stories and key figures that left a mark on Christianity for eternity. Lessons cover the great flood, Abraham and Isaac, lineage to Joseph, the Exodus, Israel in Canaan, and Joshua, the judges, and spiritual decline. Students will study the kingdom of Israel under Saul, David, and Solomon, the division of the kingdom, captivity of the Hebrews, the prophets, and the restoration. Lessons will ask students to critically examine some of the most pressing questions Christians face in the world today, and how to answer them in a Christ-centered way.
Old Testament Survey provides a developmental and in-depth academic study of the teachings of the Old Testament, from the creation of the world (Genesis) to the restoration of Israel and the ministry of its post-exile prophets (Malachi). The survey emphasizes the most important people, places, and events in the development and decline of the nation of Israel. These areas target three content strands: theology, biblical literature, and biblical background.
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Course Concepts & Samples
Curriculum Focus
- Identify the Key People, Places, and Events of the Old Testament.
- Provide the Setting and Purpose for Each Old Testament Book.
- Provide the Setting and Purpose for Each New Testament Book.
- Identify the Different Eras in the History of Israel.
- Appreciate the Importance of the Nation of Israel.
- Describe the Rise and Fall of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel.
- Identify the Various Prophets with the Era in which They Ministered.
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