First Semester

Math 600 Online 

Math 600 is a full-year elementary math course focusing on number skills and numerical literacy, with an introduction to the number skills needed for algebra. In it, students will gain solid experience with number theory and operations, including decimals and fractions. This course also integrates geometric concepts and skills throughout the units, as well as introducing students to statistical and probability concepts.

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Math 600 Online Second Semester

Unit 6 – Geometry And Measurement
  1. Polygons
    1. Classifying Triangles 
    2. Intro to Quadrilaterals
    3. Kite as a geometric shape
    4. Quadrilateral Properties
  2. Area of Parallelograms
    1. Area of Parallelogram
  3. Area of Triangles
    1. Area of a Triangle
    2. Area of an Equilateral Triangle
  4. Area of Composite Figures
    1. Area Of Composite Shapes
  5. Quiz : Plane Figures
  6. Alternate Quiz —Form A: Plane Figures
  7. Alternate Quiz —Form B: Plane Figures
  8. Solid Figures
    1. Identifying Geometric Solids
    2. Solid Figures
  9. Volume
    1. Volume with fractional cubes
  10. More Volume
  11. Quiz: Solid Figures and Volume
  12. Alternate Quiz —Form A: Solid Figures and Volume
  13. Alternate Quiz —Form B: Solid Figures Volume
  14. Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms
    1. Intro to nets of polyhedral
    2. How to find the Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism
    3. Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism
  15. Surface Area of Triangular Prisms
    1. ​Surface Area Using a Net: Triangular Prism
  16. Surface Area of Pyramids
    1. Surface Area Of Pyramid
    2. Surface Area Of A Pyramid
  17. Quiz: Solid Figures and Surface Area
  18. Alternate Quiz —Form A: Solid Figures and Surface Area
  19. Alternate Quiz —Form B: Solid Figures and Surface Area
  20. Review
  21. Test
  22. Alternate Test—Form A
  23. Alternate Test—Form B
  24. Glossary and Credits
Unit 7 – Rational Numbers
  1. Integers
    1. Placing Numbers on a Number Line  
    2. Negative Numbers Intro
    3. The Number Line
  2. Integers in Real Life
    1. Integers in the Real World  
    2. Integers in Every Day Life  
  3. The Opposite of a Number
    1. Number Opposites
  4. Rational Numbers
    1. Intro to Rational and Irrational Numbers
    2. Identifying Rational Numbers
  5. Quiz: Rational Numbers
  6. Alternate Quiz: — Form A: Rational Numbers
  7. Alternate Quiz — Form B: Rational Numbers
  8. Comparing Integers and Rational Numbers
    1. Comparing & Ordering Integers
    2. Comparing Rational Numbers
  9. Ordering Integers and Rational Numbers
    1. Ordering Rational Numbers
  10. Absolute Value
    1. Absolute Value and Number Line
    2. Absolute Value 1
  11. Ordering and Absolute Value in Real Life
  12. Quiz: Comparing, Ordering and Absolute Value
  13. Alternate Quiz: Form A: Comparing, Ordering, and Absolute Value
  14. Alternate Quiz: Form B: Comparing, Ordering, and Absolute Value
  15. The Coordinate Plane
    1. The Coordinate Plane
    2. Plot Ordered Pair
    3. Points on the Coordinate Plane
  16. Reflections on the Coordinate Plane
    1. Reflecting Points in the Coordinate Plane
  17. Distance on the Coordinate Plane
    1. Distance on the Coordinate Plane
  18. ​Polygons on the Coordinate Plane
    1. Parallelogram on the Coordinate Plane  
    2. Drawing a quadrilateral on the coordinate plane
  19. Quiz: The Coordinate Plane
  20. Alternate Quiz 1– Form A: The Coordinate Plane
  21. Alternate Quiz 1—Form B: The Coordinate Plane
  22. Review
  23. Test
  24. Alternate Test—Form A
  25. Alternate Test—Form B
  26. Glossary and Credits
Unit 8 – Numerical And Algebraic Expressions
  1. Real Number Properties
    1. Properties of Real Numbers
    2. Properties of Real Numbers
  2. Exponents
    1. Introduction to Exponents  
  3. Squares, Cubes, and Roots
    1. Perfect Squares and Perfect Cubes
    2. Perfect Squares and Cubes (Examples are given that are not a part of this lesson assignment, but can be worthwhile to view)
  4. Order of Operations
    1. Introduction Order of Operations
    2. Order of Operations  
  5. Quiz 1: Numerical Expressions
  6. Alternate Quiz—Form A: Numerical Expressions
  7. Alternate Quiz—Form B: Numerical Expressions
  8. Variables
    1. What is a Variable
    2. Why Aren’t We Using the Multiplication Sign
  9. Expressions
    1. Example Evaluating Expression
  10. Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
    1. Intro to combining like terms
    2. Simplifying expressions
  11. Quiz 2: Algebraic Expressions
  12. Alternate Quiz: Form A: Algebraic Expressions
  13. Alternate Quiz: Form B: Algebraic Expressions
  14. More Simplifying Expressions
  15. The Distributive Property
    1. Distributive Property over addition
  16. Factoring Expressions
    1. ​Greatest Common Factor Explained
  17. Equations and Mental Math
    1. Why We Do the Same Thing to Both Sides: Simple Equations
    2. Representing a Relationship with a Simple Equation
    3. One Step Equation Intuition  ​
  18. Quiz 3: Expressions and Equations
  19. Alternate Quiz—Form A:  Expressions and Equations
  20. Alternate Quiz—Form B:  Expressions and Equations
  21. Review
  22. Test
  23. Alternate Test—Form A
  24. Alternate Test—Form B
  25. Glossary and Credit
Unit 9 – Equations And Functions
  1. Equations
    1. What is a Variable
    2. Introduction to Order of Operation
    3. Order of Operations
    4. Simple Equations in the form ax=b
    5. Example of ax + 5 = 54
    6. Examples of One-Step Equations like ax=b and x + a = b
  2. Writing Equations
    1. Beginning Algebra & Word Problem Steps
    2. Simple Equations of the form ax=b
  3. Addition Equations
    1. Adding and Subtracting the Same Thing from Both Sides
    2. Solving One Step Equations By Addition and Subtraction
  4. Subtraction Equations
    1. Adding and Subtracting the Same Thing from Both Sides
    2. Solving One Step Equations By Addition and Subtraction
  5. Quiz 1: Equations
  6. Alternate Quiz 1—Form A: Equations
  7. Alternate Quiz 1—Form B: Equations
  8. Multiplication Equations
    1. Simple Equations of the form ax=b
    2. Solving One Step Equations By Multiplication and Division
  9. ​Division Equations
    1. Example Solving x/3=14
    2. Solving One Step Equations By Multiplication and Division
  10. Inequalities
    1. Greater Than Less Than
  11. Graphing Inequalities
    1. Plotting Inequalities on a Number Line
  12. Quiz 2: More Equations and Inequalities
  13. Alternate Quiz 2—Form A: More Equations and Inequalities
  14. Alternate Quiz 2—Form B: More Equations and Inequalities
  15. Functions
    1. What is a Function?
    2. Introduction to Functions – Part 1
  16. Function Rules
    1. Writing a Function Rule.wmv
    2. Writing a Function Rule
  17. Graphing Functions
    1. Introduction to Functions – Part 2
  18. Proportional Relationships
    1. Intro to proportional relationships
  19. Quiz 3: Functions
  20. Alternate Quiz 3—Form A: Functions
  21. Alternate Quiz 3—Form B: Functions
  22. Review
  23. Test
  24. Alternate Test—Form 
Unit 10 – Data Analysis
  1. Collecting Data and the Mean
    1. Statistics Intro: Mean, Median, and Mode
  2. Median, Mode, and Range
    1. Statistics intro: Mean, median, mode ​
    2. Example: Finding Mean, Median, Mode
    3. Statistics – Find the range
    4. How to Find the Range, Mean, Median & Mode in Statistics : Statistics 101
  3. Describing Data
    1. What Does Outlier Mean in Math?
  4. Mean Absolute Deviation
    1. Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
    2. Mean absolute deviation example
  5. Project: Data Analysis Performance Task A
  6. Quiz: Collecting and Describing Data
  7. Alternate Quiz 1—Form A: Collecting and Describing Data
  8. Alternate Quiz 1—Form B: Collecting and Describing Data
  9. Frequency Tables
    1. Creating a Frequency Table
  10. Histograms
    1. Histograms 
  11. Dot Plots
    1. Frequency Tables and Dot Plots
  12. Stem-and-Leaf Plots
    1. Stem and Leaf Plots
  13. Quiz: Organizing Data
  14. Alternate Quiz 2—Form A: Organizing Data
  15. Alternate Quiz 2—Form B: Organizing Data
  16. Box Plots
    1. Constructing a box plot
  17. More Box Plots (Use your lesson material and above video as needed to complete this assignment)
  18. Summarizing Data Sets
    1. Comparing Dot Plots, histograms, and box plots
  19. Quiz: Displaying and Interpreting Data
  20. Alternate Quiz —Form A: Displaying and Interpreting Data
  21. Alternate Quiz —Form B: Displaying and Interpreting Data
  22. Review
  23. Test
  24. Alternate Test—Form A
  25. Alternate Test—Form B
  26. Glossary and Credit
Unit 11 – Course Review And Exam
  1. Course Review 1
  2. Course Review 2
  3. Exam
  4. Alternate Exam—Form