NFC Academy Graduation Services

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NFC Academy’s Live Homeschool Graduation

Two Homeschool Graduation Options

High school graduation is one of those experiences that marks a milestone that will be remembered well beyond the date of the graduation. While each person will have special days that will bring memories for years, most all of us will remember the step of graduating high school. Let’s make it a special day to remember for your homeschool graduate!

The option of a live graduation service is available to our homeschool graduates at NFC Academy. Every graduate at NFC Academy receives their own graduation regalia and of course their graduation diploma. Each graduate has the option to join the NFC Academy family for our live graduation services on our campus at the end of May each year. While our graduates will receive their Graduation Agreements to complete well before the graduation date, you can check with our High School office to find out more about participating with us on our campus in graduation services for your homeschool graduate. Students who are unable to travel to our live graduation services still receive their own complete graduation regalia and their diploma when all requirements for graduation have been completed. You can still host your local ceremony with special guests to honor your graduate and take plenty of pictures in their cap and gown for memories.

2025 Graduation Service

May 16, 2025
7:00 PM
Graduation Practice:
*The graduation practice is a required event to be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony.
3000 North Meridian Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32312

Please check with our office prior to scheduling flights and motels to be assured no changes have been made in the dates or times of the graduation service or the practice.

Graduates Service Img

Graduation Agreement

Time to Graduate


First Name * Middle Last Name * ​I am enrolled as a full-time student at NFC Academy for the 2023-24 school year and will complete my graduation credits (or be within one credit) for the graduation requirements of NFC Academy by Thursday, May 16, 2024, in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. (A diploma will be presented to students who have completed the required 24 credits) Those planning to participate in the graduation ceremony for NFC Academy at the North Florida Baptist Church Auditorium the date is Friday, May 27, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. with a rehearsal time to be announced. In order to participate in the ceremony, please review the following as attested to by my signature below and the parent’s signature.

I will participate in the graduation exercise at NFC Academy:(Required)

If you are not participating in the formal exercises at NFC Academy then only #6 below will apply as it relates to the graduation along with the name to be on the diploma and due date back to NFC Academy.

  1. Conduct myself properly and in a manner that demonstrates respect for family members, speakers, and guests before, during and following the ceremony.
  2. Refrain from rowdiness, misconduct, distracting behavior, and disrespect for persons involved in the ceremony.  If it becomes necessary, I understand that I will be removed from the ceremony, should I behave in this manner.
  3. Understand that pranks of any sort at any time during the 2024-25 school year will not be tolerated.  Any student(s) who participate in such pranks will be prohibited from participation in the graduation ceremony. Any damage incurred will result in the student(s) paying all damages. Depending on the severity of the prank, appropriate disciplinary action WILL be taken.
  4. Wear the authorized graduation cap, gown and tassel and not add any other accessories, decorations or carry any placards, posters or any other paraphernalia that might detract from the ceremony.  Show respect for myself, my family, guests and the dignity of the occasion by wearing appropriate attire for the graduation ceremony, slacks, dress shirt, tie, socks and shoes for gentlemen, and dress, dress slacks or skirt and blouse and shoes for ladies. Students must meet the dress code as required of North Florida Christian School students to participate which includes among a variety of things for boys a haircut above the ears and the collar.  No earrings or other similar accessories for young men and no similar accessories other than earrings for ladies.  The dress code for NFCS will be sent to you.  Students who fail to meet the dress code requirements will not be permitted to participate in the graduation exercises.
  5. Attend the graduation rehearsal in the auditorium of North Florida Baptist Church at the time to be announced.
  6. Assume financial responsibility for graduation fee, and pay any outstanding financial obligations. I understand that I will not receive a cap and gown or my diploma and final transcript until all financial obligations are paid.
  7. Report to designated places on time to rehearsal and graduation day in appropriate graduation attire.
  8. All students in the graduation ceremony receive a blank diploma cover at the ceremony and will pick up their individual diploma at a designated location in the church after the conclusion of the ceremony.
  9. NFC Academy students are joining with the graduates of North Florida Christian School in their annual commencement exercise and will be respectful of fellow students.
  10. Please type your name exactly how it is to appear on your diploma. Names must be consistent with the enrolled student’s name and no slang or other words may appear on the diploma.
  11. A diploma will be ordered for the student once the Graduation Agreement is returned.  Agreements returned after the due date will incur a charge for ordering the diploma late.

Below list the exact name to appear on your diploma.




All graduating seniors will have regalia provided for them whether they participate in the campus graduation activities or do not. Having your regalia will allow you to have your own graduation pictures done. Please list the required information we need to order regalia:


Participation in the Graduation Ceremony requires the return of a signed Graduation Agreement to the main office by the date noted to the student. I understand that I must return this agreement for my diploma to be ordered and if I selected, to be able to participate in the graduation ceremony on our campus.