The first thing is to know and accept each child’s personality and approach to learning for what it is because fighting it will only bring frustration for both you and the student. Every child has a unique way of learning information, processing the material and being able to complete assignments with effective study habits.  Whether you have one student or several, success is built on knowing their learning style and how best to get them to focus and learn what it is they need to know.

Depending on the grade, parents can choose between print or online accredited homeschool curriculum so you will need to determine which is the right option for your student. Some children learn best when they can touch and of feel in some part of the process and need to have their hands busy so a print curriculum may be a better choice for a younger child and then switch to the online format in elementary grades. Another tip that parents recommend is taking frequent scheduled breaks so the child can relieve the excess energy by getting up to move around, changing scenery for a few minutes and giving their mind a break by going outside. This way, they are not fidgeting and causing themselves or others to break concentration because they know they will have a chance to move and play at a designated time.

Homeschooling means that the learning is being done at home (generally) which is a controlled environment so parents need to create a ‘classroom’ or study area where distractions have been removed.  It’s probably not a good idea to have a very active child study in their room if they have a TV since they might be tempted to turn it on. When using an online accredited homeschool curriculum make sure the computer or tablet is locked or controlled so the student cannot access games or other programs which would distract them from their studies. There are a variety of applications that can help parents with this and kids should be told why the restrictions are being used so they understand it is for their benefit.  

The last thing is to establish a schedule that works for each of your children which, when different, can be a challenge the family needs to deal with as a whole. Some kids are early morning risers so they will do their best work first thing but start to fade in the afternoon; on the other hand, some students prefer to sleep late and can get more done when they have had this rest. It may take a few adjustments, but having a routine schedule with start/end time, breaks and class changes sets expectations and gives the student a clear idea of when they need to focus and when they can be active.

Parents who homeschool have an opportunity to develop a deep and intimate relationship with their children because they are directly involved with their education whether they are the full-time teacher or just part-time and a support. Homeschooling an active child can be rewarding and success comes with a positive experience when understanding, organization and flexibility are included with a great curriculum.

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