If you are already using an online homeschooling option, make sure the program is accredited before the student enters high school as this designation is critical for colleges and universities to accept the classes on the transcript. There are many accredited homeschool programs for high school students that also offer college prep, dual enrollment, Honors/AP and other options so teens can stay competitive in their studies and earn the required credits for graduation and acceptance to the college of their choice.

It is important to have your student enrolled in an accredited online homeschool program before they enter their 9th grade year whether this requires transitioning from another program or pulling them out of public school to go the homeschool route instead. High school is a busy time for teens who have more complex subjects, working opportunities, sports involvement at a higher level and other activities. So, having a stable and reliable curriculum option is critical to giving them balance and security. It also ensures they are able to progressively move through the subjects because the curriculum is designed to build on itself each year. Changing programs in the middle of high school can create some confusion and require make up work or catch up work depending on the differences between the homeschool programs.
Students can choose to prepare for college entrance or to enter a tech skill to learn a trade, the best homeschool programs for high school should support both tracks through their course electives list. Every teen is required to graduate with a minimum number of credits obtsined by combining core subjects and electives. The core subjects can be started on an advanced track if the student is ready for it, which can result in their junior and senior years being ‘lighter’ on the heavy courses. The elective list is where the student is able to express their interests and choose classes that can help prepare them for the next phase. Parents and students should review this list as part of the research process when choosing a program to ensure that there are plenty of options to help them build skills and a knowledge base. SAT/ACT exams are another requirement for college admission so check with the guidance counselor about how the school helps prepare and set up the student to take these critical exams. In most cases, there may be an online prep class and a schedule sent out about testing dates and websites detailing testing locations in each community. Students are responsible for selecting their test date and location based on the information available. The school can be referenced so the scores are sent directly to them with the option to have them sent to other higher education institutions at the right time.
Graduating on time requires being prepared and having all the necessary boxes checked without leaving it to the last minute. Check the top accredited homeschool programs and verify how they get a student from A to Z in a smooth and easy way so everyone can relax in the days leading up to graduation. The homeschool student will get the help they need to compete with their peers and even be ahead of them for the next stage in their education.