Christian Faith & Living Academic Library

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Christian Faith & Living

Christian Faith and Living applies what students have learned in their study of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments. The course focuses on personal Christian ministry, the nature of God, comparative religions, and the writings of James, John, David, Solomon, and Daniel. These areas target three content strands: the attributes of God, biblical literature, and Christian growth.


Christian Faith & Living Online


  1. Course Overview
  2. Knowing What You Are: God’s Creation
  3. Your Unique Personality
  4. Your Interaction with Others
  5. Quiz 1: Personality
  6. Knowing Who You Are: A Child of God
  7. Project: Your Personal Testimony
  8. Project: Memorize Scripture
  9. A Servant of God
  10. Spiritual Gifts
  11. Knowing Your Spiritual Gifts
  12. Quiz 2: Gifts
  13. How You Are Equipped: Personal Skills
  14. Project: Backward Look
  15. Project: Inward Look
  16. Project: Forward Look
  17. What to Look for in Vocational Skills
  18. Project: Work Values
  19. Project: Motives
  20. Project: Vocational Interests
  21. Project: Vocational Skills
  22. Quiz 3: Skills
  23. Test
  24. Alternate Test
  25. Reference


  1. Varieties of Ministry
  2. The Two Modern Meanings
  3. Project: Ministers
  4. Project: What is a Ministry?
  5. Quiz 1: What A Christian Ministry Is
  6. Ministry Occupations
  7. Project: The Effect of Ministry
  8. Movements
  9. Social Services, Media, and Support
  10. Quiz 2: How Christian Ministries Are Served
  11. Ministry vs. Career
  12. Quiz 3: How A Christian Ministry Relates to A Career
  13. Test
  14. Alternate Test
  15. Reference


  1. Gathering Information: Where to Look
  2. Project: Career Search
  3. What to Look For
  4. Project: Priorities
  5. Quiz 1: Gathering Information About Available Career/Ministries
  6. Applying: Making Contacts/Writing a Resume
  7. Project: Applications
  8. Project: Resume
  9. Project: Cover Letter
  10. Interviewing and Candidating
  11. Quiz 2: Applying for A Prospective Career/Ministry
  12. Reaching Conclusions: Divine Guidance
  13. Project: Prayer List
  14. Project: God’s Will
  15. Career Decisions: Human Responsibility
  16. Project: Roadblocks
  17. Project: Decision Making
  18. Career Planning
  19. Quiz 3: Reaching A Conclusion About Your Career/Ministry
  20. Test
  21. Alternate Test
  22. Reference


  1. Old Testament View of the Godhead
  2. Names of God in the Old Testament
  3. Project: Yahweh
  4. Quiz 1: Old Testament View of the Godhead
  5. New Testament View of the Godhead
  6. Project: Developing Revelation
  7. The Godhead in John and Paul’s Epistles
  8. Project: Paul’s View
  9. Quiz 2: New Testament View of the Godhead
  10. Origin of the Doctrine of the Godhead
  11. Development of Christian Creeds
  12. Project: Three Arguments
  13. Quiz 3: Historical Perspectives of The Godhead
  14. Christian Faith in the Godhead
  15. Quiz 4: Man’s Relationship with The Godhead
  16. Test
  17. Alternate Test
  18. Reference


  1. The Holiness of God: His Holy Person
  2. Holiness of the Son and the Holy Spirit
  3. Project: Power of the Holy Spirit
  4. God’s Holy Place
  5. God’s Holy People
  6. Quiz 1: The Holiness of God
  7. The Goodness of God: In His Character
  8. Goodness of the Son and the Holy Spirit
  9. In His Creation
  10. In the World and in Mankind
  11. In His Salvation
  12. Project: Glory to God
  13. Quiz 2: The Goodness of God
  14. Test
  15. Alternate Test
  16. Reference


  1. The Epistle of James: The Man
  2. The Authenticity of James
  3. The Message: James
  4. Faith Versus Works
  5. Project: Wisdom
  6. Prayer, Lust, Money, and Healing
  7. Quiz 1: The Epistle of James
  8. The Epistle of John: The Man
  9. The Authenticity of the Epistles of John
  10. The Message: First John
  11. Fellowship with God
  12. Project: Healing Today
  13. The Message: Second John
  14. The Message: Third John
  15. Quiz 2: The Epistle of John
  16. Test
  17. Alternate Test
  18. Reference


  1. Daniel’s Influence for God: Man of Conviction
  2. Daniel’s Godly Purpose
  3. Project: Fiery Furnace
  4. Interpreter of Dreams
  5. Watchman of Prayer
  6. Quiz 1: Daniel’s Influence for God
  7. Daniel’s Visions from God: The Four Beasts
  8. The Ram and the He-Goat
  9. The Seventy Sevens
  10. Project: Interpretation
  11. The Mighty Kings
  12. Project: Daniel 11
  13. Quiz 2: Daniel’s Visions from God
  14. Test
  15. Alternate Test
  16. Reference


  1. Christianity: Basic Elements
  2. The Validity of the Christian Faith
  3. Project: The Great Difference
  4. Quiz 1: Systems of Worship
  5. World Religions: Buddhism
  6. Project: Christian Response to Buddhism
  7. Confucianism
  8. Hinduism
  9. Essay: Hinduism
  10. Islam
  11. Zoroastrianism
  12. Essay: Zoroastrianism
  13. Quiz 2: World Religions
  14. The Occult: Spiritualism
  15. Psychic Phenomena and Astrology
  16. Project: Daniel
  17. Quiz 3: The Occult
  18. Test
  19. Alternate Test
  20. Reference


  1. The Life of David (1)
  2. The Life of David (2)
  3. David’s Character
  4. Essay: DAVID
  5. The Life of Solomon
  6. Solomon’s Character
  7. Quiz 1: David and Solomon
  8. Psalms and Proverbs: God’s Cleansing, Comfort
  9. Project: Cleansing
  10. God’s Presence, Sovereignty, Guidance
  11. Project: Psalms 139
  12. Project: Tongue
  13. Quiz 2: Psalms and Proverbs
  14. Literary Styles in the Bible
  15. Prefigurations in the Bible
  16. Problem Solving in the Bible
  17. Quiz 3: The Bible and Literature
  18. Test
  19. Alternate Test
  20. Reference


  1. The Nature and Holiness of God
  2. The Word, Salvation, Defense of the Faith
  3. Project: Salvation
  4. Quiz 1: Fundamentals Of The Christian Faith
  5. Spiritual Gifts
  6. Project: Spiritual Gifts
  7. Personality
  8. Project: Temptations
  9. Christlike Character and Conduct
  10. Project: Moral Dilemma
  11. Spiritual Development and Prayer
  12. Project: Trials and Tribulations
  13. Scripture Study
  14. Quiz 2: Growing Toward Christian Maturity
  15. Life Work and Ministry
  16. Values
  17. Spoken Testimony
  18. Project: Personal Testimony
  19. Debate and Apologetics
  20. Quiz 3: Influencing The World For Christ
  21. Special Project
  22. Test: Practical Christian Living
  23. Alternate Test: Practical Christian Living
  24. Reference