Language Arts 600 Academic Library

Language Arts 600 Online
- Course Overview
- The Sentence
- Sentence Types
- Spelling Lesson 1
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Spelling Lesson 2
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Spelling Lesson 3
- Quiz 3
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Pronouns
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions and Interjections
- Quiz 4
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
- Capitalization
- Punctuation
- Spelling Lesson 1
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Word Parts
- Word Parts: Exercises
- Synonyms, Antonyms, and Idioms
- Spelling Lesson 2
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Person and Number of Verbs
- Principal Parts of Verbs
- Using Auxiliary Verbs
- Spelling Lesson 3
- Quiz 3
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Using Adjectives and Adverbs
- Fragments and Run-on Sentences
- Quiz 4
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
- Developing Reading Skills
- Developing Vocabulary
- Spelling Lesson 1: /sh/
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Finding Relationships: Sequence/Cause and Effect
- Comprehension: Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
- Reading to Comprehend
- Spelling Lesson 2: /sh/
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Reading Critically
- Project: Book Report: Short Story (Your short story report will have at least three paragraphs. Use the ideas and questions below to help you think and write. Follow the directions given to you in the assignment. Choose one of the stories listed in the assignment to read. Use your answers to the questions to help you write a short story report. Remember to write your paragraphs in complete sentences. Your report should be at least 300 words long. Use capital letters and punctuation correctly. Ask your teacher for a copy of a book report model to help you in completing the assignment.)
- Analyzing Story Structure
- Comparing and Contrasting Stories
- Spelling Lesson 3: Homonyms
- Quiz 3
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
- Paragraph Writing
- Business Letters
- Report Writing: Preparation
- Spelling Lesson 1: Plurals
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Report Writing: Researching
- Project: Research–Taking Notes (Read sources and take notes for your Biblical report. 1. Begin reading your sources and taking notes. Find enough information to fill at least four note cards. You will need enough information to write a 400-word Use the note card format given in the lesson “Report Writing: Researching.” 2. When you are finished taking notes, use the list given to check your note cards. 3. Type your notes as they appear on the cards; organize the notes according to card (ex. card 1. . ., card 2 . . ., card 3 . . .)
- Outlining
- Project: Research–Outline (Complete an outline for your Biblical report. Review your notes again and decide on subpoints and details that would fit under each main idea. Remember that in outlining you must have at least two or more subpoints or details if you wish to include them below a main idea. Look for details from your notes to include in your outline. Remember, details should be related to the subpoints, and the subpoints should be related to the main ideas. Complete your outline for a Bible topic. Rearrange and correct as needed.)
- Spelling Lesson 2: -ing
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Writing the Report
- Project: Research–Final Report (Use the three stages of report writing to complete your report on a Biblical topic. Write a rough draft of your report, using the outline that you created from your note cards. Remember that this writing is a rough Don’t be too concerned with spelling and punctuation. Instead, concentrate on making ideas clear and paragraphs logically related. Any time that you specifically refer to a source, include the author and page number (without “page” or “p.”) of the source in parentheses at the end of the paragraph containing that information. Remember to include the source in your Works Cited list. When finished with your draft, correct your report by removing grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. You should also look for ways to y express ideas more clearly. Remember to compare your writing with your outline to see if you are following a plan of organization. After the rough draft is corrected, the report is ready to be finalized. Write the title of the report at the top of the page. Remember to indent for each new paragraph. Transfer your source information from your note cards into a Works Cited page. The Works Cited page should be on a separate page as the last page of the report. The length of your final report should be at least 500 words, not including the Works Cited page.)
- Spelling Lesson 3
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
- The Newspaper
- Fact and Opinion in News Reports
- Analyzing a News Story
- Spelling Lesson 1: Words That Sound Alike
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Propaganda
- Spelling Lesson 2
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Recognizing Propaganda
- Spelling Lesson 3: Plurals, Homonyms, and the /sh/ Sound
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Quiz 2
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
- Spelling Lesson 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Poetry
- Types of Prose Fiction
- Types of Prose Fiction (2)
- Spelling Lesson 2
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Prose Nonfiction
- Project: Book Report: Biography (Choose a biography and write a book report according to the described format. Choose one of the books from the book list for your biography Use your answers to the questions to help you write a biography book report. Remember to write your paragraphs in complete sentences. Your report should be at least 300 words long. Use capital letters and punctuation correctly.)
- Mood
- Spelling Lesson 3
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
- Judging a Book
- An Author’s Use of Expressive Language
- Spelling Lesson 1
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Nonfiction Comprehension Practice
- Nonfiction: Main Idea and Supporting Details
- Spelling Lesson 2
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Reading for Inspiration (1)
- Reading for Inspiration (2)
- Spelling Lesson 3: Suffixes and the /sh/ Sound
- Quiz 3
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
Unit 8: POETRY
- Characteristics of Poetry
- Free Verse
- Spelling Lesson 1
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Figures of Speech: Similes
- Figures of Speech: Metaphors
- Poetic Devices
- Essay: Invented Words
- Spelling Lesson 2
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Poetic Forms (1)
- Poetic Forms (2)
- Spelling Lesson 3
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Musical Poems
- Word Play: Riddles/Conundrums
- Limericks
- Project: Limericks (Write two limericks of your own. Share them with a friend. Remember to follow the description given in Lesson 11 “Limericks.” Use the words in the assignment to help you get started.)
- Palindromes
- Quiz 3
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
- The Bible as Literature
- A Bible Story
- Project: Bible Stories (After reading the brief lesson in the assignment, choose and read one of the Bible stories Use the questions provided to write a brief report in which you think about the Bible as literature. Use your answers to the questions to help you write a report about the Bible story you read. Remember to write your paragraphs in complete sentences. Your report should be at least 200 words long. Use capital letters and punctuation correctly.)
- Parables and Proverbs
- Spelling Lesson 1
- Quiz 1
- Spelling Quiz 1
- Bible Poetry
- Prophetic Writing
- Spelling Lesson 2
- Quiz 2
- Spelling Quiz 2
- Bible History
- Law
- Spelling Lesson 3
- Quiz 3
- Spelling Quiz 3
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test
- Reference
Unit 10: REVIEW
- Patterns in Language
- Capitalization and Punctuation
- Quiz 1
- Organization in Literary Forms
- Quiz 2
- Literary Forms (1)
- Literary Forms (2)
- Quiz 3
- Forms of Communication
- Project: Advertising (Choose a product or an idea you would like to promote and create an advertisement for Spend some time developing a catchy title and phrase to draw-in the buyer. Remember to use persuasive words and techniques. Before beginning your project, you may want to refer to other sources to note the variety of styles used in advertisements.)
- Essay: The President’s Thoughts (Imagine that you have just received the news that you have been elected President of the United You have decided to record your feelings in your journal or diary. Write down the feelings you think you would have on such an occasion. Remember, because it is a journal, you will be writing in the first person or “I” form. Write as if it is happening to you right now. Your journal response should be at least 125 words long.)
- Communication: Letters and Newspapers
- Quiz 4
- Review Game
- Test
- Alternate Test