Course Overview
Course Length:
2 semesters.
Course Credit:
NFC Academy Teacher Program – Accredited
NFC Academy Homeschool Plus – Accredited
NFC Academy Homeschool Basics – Not Accredited
NCAA Approved
Not a Core Course.
High School:
Cognia-SACS, Middle States, FACCS
Physics is intended to expose students to the design and order in the world that God has created. In preceding years, students should have developed a basic understanding of the macroscopic and microscopic world of forces, motion, waves, light, and electricity. The physics course will expand upon that prior knowledge and further develop both. The curriculum will also seek to teach the symbolic and mathematical world of formulas and symbols used in physics. The major concepts covered are kinematics, forces and motion, work and energy, sound and light waves, electricity and magnetism, and nuclear physics.
Students at this level should show development in their ability and understanding of scientific inquiry. The units contain experiments and projects that seek to develop a deeper conceptual meaning for the student and actively engage the student. The continued exposure of science concepts and scientific inquiry will serve to improve the student’s skill and understanding.
Guided by a teacher, students are introduced to the underlying principles of physics and perform experiments enabling them to see these principles in action and gain a better understanding of the motion that exists in God’s creation. This high level science course combines cutting-edge technology with challenging academics, helping prepare high school students for rigorous college instruction. During the course, students will explore the physical world and the universe including light, motion, energy, electricity, magnetism, waves, nuclear energy, and thermodynamics. Through on and off-computer lessons, the course encourages critical thinking and higher level problem solving from a Christ-centered perspective. Students will conduct their labs using the online Smart Science Labs.
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Course Concepts & Samples
Curriculum Focus
- Kinematics: Students Will Learn to Use Scalars and Vectors to visualize and Calculate Concepts of Motion.
- Dynamics: Students Will Articulate Newton’s and Kepler’s Laws of Motion.
- Work and Energy: Students Will Demonstrate an Understanding of How Energy Is Transferred and Changed from One Form to another.
- Introduction to Waves: Students Will Describe Wave Characteristics such as Amplitude, Velocity, Wavelength, and Frequency.
- Light: Students Will Describe Phenomena that Characterize Light as a Wave and Phenomena that Characterize It as a Particle.
- Static Electricity: Students Will Understand that All Electric Charges Produce an Electric Field Around Them.
- Electric Currents: Students Will Apply and Solve Problems Using Ohm’s Law and Watt’s Law for both Series and Parallel Circuits.
- Magnetism: Students Will Describe the Relationship between Magnetism and Electricity.
- Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Students Will Acquire a General Understanding of Atomic Theory, Including Fusion and Fission.
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Ready to get started at NFC Academy? NFC Academy is a private Christian School, and all programs are fully accredited Kindergarten through High School. You can start anytime from just about anywhere. Tuition is affordable with payment options. Visit our Tuition Information page for details.
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