Resources For Book Program Grades 1-4
Book Program Resources Grades 1-4
Math Resources Book Program Grades 1-4
Additional resources for your homeschool program in math are provided for both the teacher and student. Use these buttons below to access videos and worksheets.
Select your grade from the link below and you will have these resources available to you 24/7 in your homeschool program with NFC Academy. Resources are online on the links below, so you do not have to go further in locating additional resources.

1st Semester Math Courses
1st Grade Math Resources (units 101-105)
2nd Grade Math Resources (units 201-205)
3rd Grade Math Resources (units 301-305)
4th Grade Math Resources (units 401-405)
5th Grade Math Resources (units 501-505)
6th Grade Math Resources (units 601-605)
2nd Semester Math Courses
1st Grade Math Resources (units 106-110)
2nd Grade Math Resources (units 206-210)
3rd Grade Math Resources (units 306-310)
4th Grade Math Resources (units 406-410)
5th Grade Math Resources (units 506-510)
6th Grade Math Resources (units 606-610)
Teacher’s Handbook
As an accredited school, NFC Academy is committed to offer the highest in academic programs for our students grades K-12. For our Book Program Kindergarten-4th grade and Online Homeschool Edition 3rd-8th grade, families in these accredited programs will need to be familiar with important policies as the home teacher.
Our NFC Academy K-4th Grade Book Program Manual provides this information for families in both the K-4 Book Program and Online Program for grades 3-8 Program where the home parent is the primary teacher.