1st Grade Math 1 Digital Streaming Books

Digital Streaming Video with Textbooks

lesson plan

Digital Math 1 Course Overview

  • Course Length:

    2 semesters.

  • Course Program:

    Digital Book Program with Streaming Lessons

  • Teacher:

    Video Teacher and Parent Supported By NFC Academy Professional Staff

  • Accredited:

    Cognia-SACS, Middle States and FACCS

Math First Grade.

Math 1 uses manipulatives and real-life experiences to teach place value, addition, subtraction, geometry, time, money, measurements, and fractions–all with engaging themes and characters. Writing equations, reading graphs, and other concepts are introduced as part of problem-solving skills.

We have much to learn from the grand narrative of history. We see throughout history the consequences of personal decisions and the rise and fall of nations who pursued or abandoned God’s eternal values. Our curriculum will enable your student to see history as an epic story from God’s perspective and witness the real-life consequences of sowing and reaping on both an individual and a global scale.

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Course Concepts & Samples

Curriculum Focus

Math 1: Math 1 aims to establish a foundational number sense to use in applying mathematical concepts, skills, and reasoning to solve real-world problems within the context of a biblical worldview. Students will learn to solve addition and subtraction problems, tell time using digital and analog clocks, determine length and weight, and more! Students will also apply biblical worldview themes of exploring, working, and caring to solve real-life problems using mathematics.

Technical Requirements

  • Compatible Devices: Windows Desktop and Laptops, MacOS devices, iOS devices, Android devices, and Kindle Fire tablets (other devices may be compatible)
  • Supported Browsers (using the latest version is recommended): Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Chrome Mobile, Safari Desktop, Safari Mobile, Amazon Silk
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or later

Estimated Teaching Time

  • Textbook + Video Lessons – Parent Time: 30-45 minutes per day total per day.
  • Parent Taught Lessons – Parent Time: 2-3 hours per day total per day.
  • Child Time – 4-5 hours per day.



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