Student Withdrawal

We know that leaving is often a hard decision and while we do not want to see our students leave, we understand there can be reasons to withdraw. In a school like NFC Academy the least used reason for withdrawing is moving, since our school can go most anywhere.

We hope we have not failed you in this task of education as we take our responsibilty serious.  We will always discuss ways we may be able to help you better in this task of homeschool.

If withdrawal is necessary please complete the form below and we will go to work to process your request. The formal withdrawal will be completed in about five school days after the request is made with all financial balances paid which include the withdrawal fee and the balance due on the tuition account, if any. 

Be sure you have complied with compulsory attendance requirements for your state in the process as once a withdrawal is complete NFC Academy cannot confirm compulsory attendance requirements are being met.

We will send records to the new school listed in the form once the withdrawal is completed.


Please complete this form

Student Withdrawal

Reason for Leaving(Required)
Withdrawal Fee Paid(Required)
Balance Remaining on Tuition Account(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.