As a homeschooling parent, you must be knowing your child in and out. Indeed, each child is unique and has his or her own strengths, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies. The challenge is to tailor your teaching according to their specific learning needs. Despite trying your best, you may have noticed that they are unable to sit in place for long periods of time. Maybe you have tried everything in your arsenal and while you know your child best, we have some suggestions for learning activities for students who won’t sit still. We hope that you can use it as your guide to navigate this undoubtedly tricky terrain.
Figure out why they can’t sit still
Now children are unique and what works for one child may certainly not work for another, even if they are siblings. This is why it is important to discern why they can’t sit still. Some children could have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) making it nearly impossible for them to concentrate. Behavioral therapy with a professional is ideal for them. Other children’s learning needs may not align with your teaching style. Just imagine a kinesthetic learner who is made to just sit down and listen to you talk about history! Finally, younger children generally have shorter attention spans than their older counterparts. It is normal for 3 or 4-year-old toddlers not to sit down for more than 15 minutes. There are a variety of reasons why a child may not sit still and figuring out the reason why may be the key to tailoring unique solutions.
Ensure that your child gets enough exercise throughout the day
Many times, we don’t realize that a child needs far more physical activity than us, adults. Indeed, it is all part and parcel of growing up. Exercising ensures that restless children burn all that excess energy, and this helps them concentrate better. Moreover, it releases endorphins that keep them engaged in their work.
Teach your child outside the Classroom
This is an especially useful idea for children whose learning styles do not mesh well with the traditional classroom system. If you are teaching them about rocks, why not go to the beach and let them explore the rocks there. If the topic is “occupation” then arrange for a tour of the local police station. Real life field trips can complement any learning activity.
Give your child plenty of choices
If we as adults feel bound by the rules of our community, imagine how our little ones must be faring. While it is imperative to cultivate discipline and structure, dedicate a day where you ask them what they want to learn about rather than deciding yourself. Perhaps, you could give them options. Sometimes you may even discover that the rules you initially deemed fair might seem arbitrary. Don’t beat yourself up about it – it’s all part of the learning process.