Second Semester

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Geometry Honors second semester will complete your Geometry course requirements for high school along with your successful first semester. The course focuses on the skills and methods of angles, quadrilaterals, circles, equation of circles, and geometric modeling in two and three dimensions.

These honor level courses from Edgenuity are not written from a biblical worldview and you may find some material that is different from that view we hold—from our web page on a biblical worldview “we look to the Bible for our beliefs and how we should operate. We believe students at this level can use wisdom in such courses, but if you are uncomfortable please select from our Ignitia course offerings.


All honor level courses from Edgenuity are not written from a biblical worldview and you may find some material that is different from that view we hold—from our web page on a biblical worldview “we look to the Bible for our beliefs and how we should operate. We believe students at this level can use wisdom in such courses, but if you are uncomfortable, please select from our Ignitia course offerings.

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Geometry Honors Second Semester

Unit 8: Right Triangle Relationships and Trigonometry
  1. Triangle Classification Theorems Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can the side lengths of a triangle be used to classify it?
      1. ​Classifying triangles
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice classifying triangles with known side lengths.
    5. Quiz Answers
  2. Special Right Triangles Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – Why are 45°-45°-90° and 30°-60°-90° triangles called “special” right triangles?
      1. ​Special right triangles proof (part 1)
      2. Special right triangles proof (part 2)
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice with special right triangles.
    5. Quiz Answers –
  3. ​Trigonometric Ratios Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – What is a trigonometric ratio?
      1. ​Intro to the trigonometric ratios
      2. Trigonometric ratios in right triangles
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice writing trigonometric ratios.
    5. Quiz Answers
  4. Solving for Side Lengths of Right Triangles Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can trigonometric ratios be used to solve for unknown side lengths of right triangles?
      1. ​​Solving for a side in right triangles with trigonometry
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice using trigonometric ratios to solve for missing lengths.
    5. Short Writing – Write about your solution process.
    6. Quiz Answers
  5. Solving for Angle Measures of Right Triangles Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can trigonometric ratios be used to solve for unknown angle measures of right triangles?
      1. ​Intro to inverse trig functions
      2. Learn to find the missing angles for a triangle using inverse trig functions
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice solving for angle measures of right triangles.
    5. Quiz Answers
  6. Law of Sines Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How is the law of sines used to solve for unknown measures in triangles?
      1. ​Solving for a side with the law of sines
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice applying the law of sines.
    5. Quiz Answers
  7. Law of Cosines Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How is the law of cosines used to solve for unknown measures in triangles?
      1. ​​Solving for a side with the law of sines
      2. Solving for an angle with the law of cosines
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice using the law of cosines.
    5. Quiz Answers
  8. Area and Perimeter of Triangles Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – What are alternative methods of calculating the area of triangles?
      1. Heron’s formula
      2. Area of an Oblique Triangle – SAS & SSS – Heron’s Formula, Trigonometry
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice calculating the area of a triangle.
    5. Quiz Answers
  9. Unit Test
    1. Unit Test Review Answers
    2. ​Unit Test Answers
Unit 9: Quadrilaterals and Coordinate Algebra
  1. Classifying Quadrilaterals Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson
    2. Instruction How are different quadrilaterals defined and related?
    3. Summary Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment Practice using properties and definitions of quadrilaterals.
    5. Quiz Answers
  2. Parallelograms Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson
    2. Instruction What properties do all parallelograms possess?
    3. Summary Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment Practice with parallelogram theorems.
    5. Quiz Answers
  3. Proving a Quadrilateral Is a Parallelogram   Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson
    2. Instruction – How can you prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram? 
    3. Summary Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment Practice proving that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
    5. Quiz Answers
  4. Special Parallelograms Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson
    2. Instruction What special properties do rectangles, squares, and rhombi have
    3. Summary Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment Practice analyzing the properties of special parallelograms and using them to solve problems. 
    5. Quiz Answers
  5. Trapezoids and Kites Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson
    2. Instruction What are the properties of special quadrilaterals that are not parallelograms
    3. Summary Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment Practice solving problems involving trapezoids and kites. 
    5. Quiz Answers
  6. Figures in the Coordinate Plane Guided Notes
    1. Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson
    2. Instruction How can coordinate algebra be used to verify or prove geometric properties
    3. Summary Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment Practice using coordinate algebra to solve problems
    5. Quiz Answers
  7. Unit Test
    1. Unit Test Review Answers
    2. Unit Test Answers
Unit 10: Circles
  1. Introduction to Circles Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How are circles and their related geometric figures defined?
      1. Radius, diameter, circumference & π
      2. Labeling parts of a circle
      3. ​Circles glossary
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice describing geometric figures related to circles and finding arc measures of circles.
    5. Quiz Answers
  2. Central Angles Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How are the measures of central angles, chords, and arcs related?
      1. ​Circles Central Angles Arc Measures Major and Minor Arcs Defined
      2. Central Angles, Arcs and Chords-Textbook Tactics
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice applying theorems involving central angles, chords, arcs, tangents, and radii.
    5. Quiz Answers
  3. Inscribed Angles Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How is the measure of an inscribed angle (or one formed by a chord and a tangent) and its intercepted arc related?
      1. ​Inscribed angles
      2. Inscribed angle theorem proof
      3. Geometry inscribed angles and arcs
    3. Summary
    4. Review and connect what you learned.
    5. Assignment – Practice with inscribed angle theorems and corollaries and the angle formed by a tangent and chord theorem.
    6. Quiz Answers
  4. Secants, Tangents, and Angles Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How do you find the measures of angles with a vertex inside or outside a circle?
      1. ​Secants, Tangents, and Angle Measures Lesson
      2. Secants, Tangents, and Angle Measures
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice with measures involving angles and arcs formed by intersecting chords, secants, and tangents.
    5. Quiz Answers
  5. Special Segments Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – What relationships are there between the lengths of segments that intersect a circle?
      1. Chord lengths in and out of circles
      2. Power Theorems – Chords, Secants & Tangents – Circle Theorems
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice analyzing segments created inside and outside circles.
    5. Quiz Answers
  6. Circumference and Arc Length Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How are arc length and radius measure related?
      1. Basic Geometry – Area and Circumference of Circles
      2. Finding Arc Length of a Circle​
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice with circumference and arc length.
    5. Quiz Answers
  7. Area of a Circle and a Sector Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can you find the area of a sector of a circle?
      1. ​Finding Sector Area of a Circle
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice solving problems with circle and sector area.
    5. Quiz Answers
  8. Angle Relationships Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – What are the relationships between inscribed, central, and circumscribed angles of a circle?
      1. ​Inscribed Angles in Circles: Lesson (Geometry Concepts)
      2. Circles, Angle Measures, Arcs, Central & Inscribed Angles, Tangents, Secants & Chords – Geometry
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice relating inscribed, central, and circumscribed angles of a circle.
    5. Quiz Answers
  9. Performance Task: Circle Constructions
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How do you perform and justify constructions related to circles?
      1. ​​KutaSoftware: Geometry- Circle Constructions
      2. Inscribe a Circle in a Triangle
      3. Constructing a Tangent to a Circle
    3. Preparing for Your Performance Task – Prepare to perform and justify constructions in a Performance Task.
    4. Performance Task – Show what you know about constructions.
  10. Performance Task: Common Tangents of Circles
    1. ​Preparing for Your Performance Task – Prepare to create diagrams of and solve problems about common tangents in a Performance Task.
      1. Common Tangents to two circles – Geometry
    2. Performance Task – Create diagrams of common tangents to two circles, and then solve problems involving common tangents of two circles.
  11. Unit Test
    1. Unit Test Review Answers
    2. ​Unit Test Answers
Unit 11: Equations of Circles
  1. Equation of a Circle Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can a circle be represented algebraically?
      1. Equation For a Circle
      2. Writing standard equation of a circle
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice working with equations of circles.
    5. Quiz Answers
  2. Parabolas Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can a parabola be defined using its relation to a point and a line?
      1. ​Equation of a parabola from focus & directrix
      2. Intro to focus & directrix
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice using the focus and directrix to define a parabola.
    5. Quiz Answers
  3. Equations of Ellipses Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can an ellipse be represented algebraically?
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
      1. ​Intro to ellipses
      2. Ellipse graph from standard equation
    4. Assignment -Practice with graphs and equations of ellipses.
    5. Quiz Answers
  4. Equations of Hyperbolas Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – What is a hyperbola and how can it be represented algebraically?
      1. ​​Intro to hyperbolas
      2. Vertices & direction of a hyperbola
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice with graphs and equations of hyperbolas.
    5. Quiz Answers
  5. Equations of Hyperbolas (continued) Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How do you write the equation of a hyperbola when its center is not at the origin?
      1. Equation of a hyperbola not centered at the origin
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice defining and representing hyperbolas.
    5. Quiz Answers
  6. Unit Test
    1. Unit Test Review Answers
    2. ​Unit Test Answers
Unit 12: ​Geometric Modeling in Two Dimensions
  1. Area of Triangles and Parallelograms Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How are areas of triangles and parallelograms in the coordinate plane calculated?
      1. ​Area of parallelogram proof
      2. Area of a triangle
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice finding areas of triangles in the coordinate plane.
    5. Quiz Answers
  2. Perimeter and Area of Rhombi, Trapezoids, and Kites Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can you find the area or perimeter of a trapezoid, rhombus, or kite?
      1. ​How do you find the area of a rhombus?
      2. Area of trapezoids
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice using areas and perimeters of trapezoids, rhombi, and kites.
    5. Quiz Answers
  3. Angle Measures of Polygons Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – What is the relationship between the angle measures of triangles and other polygons?
      1. ​Sum of interior angles of a polygon
      2. Sum of the exterior angles of a polygon
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice with the measures of interior and exterior angles of polygons.
    5. Quiz Answers
  4. Area of Regular Polygons Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up- Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How do you find the area of a regular polygon?
      1. ​Area of Regular Polygons
      2. Area of a regular hexagon
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice with the area of regular polygons.
    5. Quiz Answers
  5. Area of Composite Figures Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can areas of composite 2-D figures be found using simple 2-D shapes?
      1. ​Area of composite shapes
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice finding the area of composite 2-D figures.
    5. Quiz Answers
  6. Density and Design Problems Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How is geometry used to model density and design problems?
      1. ​Density Review (Geometry)
      2. Density Practice Problems
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice solving modeling problems with density and design.
    5. Quiz Answers
  7. Unit Test
    1. Unit Test Review Answers
    2. ​Unit Test Answers
Unit 14: ​Cumulative Exam
  1. Cumulative Exam Review Answers
  2. ​Cumulative Exam Answers
Unit 13: Geometric Modeling in Three Dimensions
  1. Three-Dimensional Figures and Cross Sections Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction
      1. ​Determining Cross Sections of 3D Shapes
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice identifying three-dimensional solids and the two-dimensional figures that created them.
    5. Quiz Answers
  2. Volume of Prisms Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can the volume of a prism be determined?
      1. Volume of a rectangular prism
      2. Volume of triangular prism & cube
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice solving for the volume of right and oblique prisms.
    5. Short Writing – Write about how to solve a problem with the volume of a prism.
    6. Quiz Answers
  3. Volume of Pyramids Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can you find the volume of a pyramid?
      1. ​Surface Area of a Pyramid & Volume of Square Pyramids & Triangular Pyramids
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice calculating the volume of right and oblique pyramids.
    5. Quiz Answers
  4. Volume of Cylinders, Cones, and Spheres Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can you find the volume of a cylinder, cone, or sphere?
      1. ​Cylinder: Surface Area & Volume
      2. ​Volume of a Cone
      3. Volume of a Sphere |
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice solving problems involving the volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres.
    5. Quiz Answers
  5. Cavalieri’s Principle and Volume of Composite Figures Guided Notes
    1. ​Warm-Up – Get ready for the lesson.
    2. Instruction – How can the volume of a composite 3-D figure be found using simple 3-D shapes?
      1. ​Cavalieri’s principle in 3D
      2. Volume of Composite Figures
    3. Summary – Review and connect what you learned.
    4. Assignment – Practice comparing volumes and calculating volumes of composite figures.
    5. Quiz Answers
  6. Unit Test
    1. Unit Test Review Answers
    2. ​Unit Test Answers