Science 500 Online ​Academic Library

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Science 500


​Science 500 seeks to develop the student’s ability to understand and participate in scientific inquiry. The units contain experiments and projects to capitalize on the students’ natural curiosity. The student will explore, observe, and manipulate everyday objects and materials in their environment. Students at this level should begin to understand interrelationships between organisms, recognize patterns in ecosystems, and become aware of the cellular dimensions of living systems. Collectively, this should help students develop and build on their subject-matter knowledge base.


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Science 500 Online

Unit 1 – CELLS

  1. Course Overview
  2. The Basic Unit of Living Things: A Cell
  3. Viewing Cells
  4. Quiz 1
  5. Basic Cell Parts
  6. Animal Cells
  7. Plant Cells
  8. Unicellular Organisms
  9. Experiment: Onion Cells – Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  10. Experiment Cheek Cells: Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  11. Tissue
  12. Quiz 2
  13. Cell Reproduction
  14. Quiz 3
  15. Test
  16. Alternate Test
  17. Reference


  1. Six Kingdoms of Life
  2. Life Cycle of Plants
  3. Quiz 1
  4. Flowering Plants
  5. Coniferous Plants
  6. Experiment: Flower Dissection – Watch the Virtual Lab in your assignment and write about what you see.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and describe what you see.
  7. Experiment: Seed Dissection –Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  8. Quiz 2
  9. Life Cycle of Fungi
  10. Mushrooms
  11. Mold
  12. Yeast
  13. Experiment:  Mold – Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  14. Quiz 3
  15. Test
  16. Alternate Test
  17. Reference


  1. Animal Classifications
  2. Vertibrates
  3. Mammals
  4. Project: Design a Poster
  5. Reptiles and Birds
  6. Amphibians
  7. Fish
  8. Quiz 1
  9. Invertebrates
  10. Sponges
  11. Echinoderms
  12. Worms and Mollusks
  13. Arthropods
  14. Quiz 2
  15. Test
  16. Alternate Test
  17. Reference


  1. Balance of Nature: Physical Environment
  2. Ecosystems
  3. Quiz 1
  4. The Prairie
  5. Project: Prairie Land – Complete this project as listed in your assignment.
  6. The Prairie: Food Chains
  7. Changes on the Praire
  8. Project:  Prairie Food Chain –Complete this project as listed in your assignment.
  9. Quiz 2
  10. Human Impact on the Balance of Nature
  11. Caring for God’s Creation
  12. Quiz 3
  13. Test
  14. Alternate Test
  15. Reference


  1. Energy
  2. Work
  3. Quiz 1
  4. Work From Energy
  5. Forms of Energy
  6. Experiment:Heat Energy from a Chemical Reaction – Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  7. Chemical Energy
  8. Quiz 2
  9. Energy in the Future
  10. Future Sources of Energy
  11. Quiz 3
  12. Test
  13. Alternate Test
  14. Reference


  1. Before the Flood: The Bible Record
  2. Before the Flood: The Physical Record
  3. Quiz 1
  4. The Flood: The Bible Record
  5. Project: Interview with Noah – Complete this project as listed in your assignment.
  6. The Flood: The Physical Record
  7. Quiz 2
  8. After the Flood: The Bible Record
  9. After the Flood: The Physical Record
  10. Quiz 3
  11. Test
  12. Alternate Test
  13. Reference


  1. Fossil Formation
  2. Project: Mold Fossil Copy  – Complete the project in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video project and complete the assignment.
  3. Project: Cast Fossil Copy – Complete the project in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video project and complete the assignment.
  4. Fossils: Preservation
  5. Fossil Locations
  6. Quiz 1
  7. Reading Fossils: Identification
  8. Reading Fossils: Earth’s Age
  9. Reading Fossils: Difficulties
  10. Reading Fossils: Reconstruction
  11. Quiz 2
  12. Test
  13. Alternate Test
  14. Reference


  1. Features of the Earth
  2. Layers of the Earth
  3. Rocks on the Earth’s Surface
  4. Project: Examine a Mineral – Complete your project as listed in the assignment using the video Salt Crystals Forming
  5. Kinds of Rocks
  6. Quiz 1
  7. Changes in the Earth: Surface Change
  8. Experiment: Erosion –Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  9. Causes of Surface Change
  10. Earthquakes and Volcanoes
  11. Project: Volcano Summary  –Complete this report as listed in your assignment.
  12. Results of Forces
  13. Quiz 2
  14. Test
  15. Alternate Test
  16. Reference


  1. Physical Properties of Matter
  2. Chemical Properties of Matter (Part 2)
  3. Experiment: Volume  – Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  4. Changes in Matter
  5. Experiment: Types of Changes – Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  6. Quiz 1
  7. Conservation of Matter
  8. Experiment:  Conservation of Matter –Complete the Virtual Lab in your assignment.  It is not necessary to do the experiments, but observe the video experiment and complete the assignment.
  9. Structure of Matter
  10. Quiz 2
  11. Matter in Nature
  12. God’s Order
  13. Quiz 3
  14. Test
  15. Alternate Test
  16. Reference

Unit 10 – REVIEW

  1. Review: Plant Cells
  2. Review: Animal Cells
  3. Review: Balance of Nature
  4. Quiz 1
  5. Review: Records of Life
  6. Review: Fossils
  7. Review: Geology
  8. Quiz 2
  9. Review: Energy
  10. Review: Matter
  11. Quiz 3
  12. Review Game
  13. Test
  14. Alternate Test