2nd Grade Heritage Studies Digital Books

Digital Streaming Video with Textbooks

lesson plan

Digital Heritage Studies 2 Course Overview

  • Course Length:

    2 semesters.

  • Course Program:

    Digital Book Program with Streaming Lessons

  • Teacher:

    Parent Supported By NFC Academy Professional Staff

  • Accredited:

    Cognia-SACS, Middle States and FACCS

Heritage Studies Second Grade:

Heritage Studies 2 equips students to live wisely in their world. Students learn to evaluate American society and government and their role in it through the lens of God’s Word. They develop an understanding and appreciation of both the past and present through real-world activities, personal stories of individuals, and development of the tools needed to sustain lifelong learning.

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Course Concepts & Samples

Curriculum Focus

Heritage Studies 2:

Heritage Studies 2: Community and Government offers an age-appropriate study of citizenship, government, economics, geography, and culture presented within the framework of God’s redemptive plan. Your child’s daily lessons will feature thoughtful instruction, exciting activities, colorful visuals, and a handful of playful characters to make learning fun! Special segments to help with chapter reviews. Special segments featuring virtual field trips.

Technical Requirements

  • Compatible Devices: Windows Desktop and Laptops, MacOS devices, iOS devices, Android devices, and Kindle Fire tablets (other devices may be compatible)
  • Supported Browsers (using the latest version is recommended): Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Chrome Mobile, Safari Desktop, Safari Mobile, Amazon Silk
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or later

Estimated Teaching Time

  • Textbook + Video Lessons – Parent Time: 30-45 minutes per day total per day.
  • Parent Taught Lessons – Parent Time: 2-3 hours per day total per day.
  • Child Time – 4-5 hours per day.



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