Education is important so selecting the best online homeschool platform is a decision that requires careful research to make sure that the student receives the maximum amount of benefits and a quality academic program in a college preparatory program that will help...
Homeschooling is often thought of as a full-time alternative to traditional public and private schooling, but many programs also offer a part-time option for families to consider. It is affordable, requires less documentation than a full-time application and can be...
In elementary school, much of the information that is taught or contained in textbooks is straightforward with each grade providing opportunities for the student to transition from a ‘concrete’ approach to analytical or being able to understand concepts and think on...
One common fear that all parents have in their mind regarding teaching children at home is that can limit development of their social skills. However, home-schooled children do get ample opportunities to socialize with others. By becoming a part of homeschooling...
As with any new project there is lots of excitement on the part of the parent and student who are looking forward to being at home instead of a public school and the parent taking on the role of teacher. However, there is a lot of planning that needs to be done...